Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Not in the spirit of giving....

Damn it. I knew I'd have a qualm, or two.... a lot....

Nothing is perfect. And if it seems too good to be true, it most likely is!

But the fault, i think, is all mine. Mine and mine alone. I'm an indulgent idiot. The most indulgent idiot around. Th problem? I indulge in the indulgences of others. I give when I should take. And give and give and give. And continue giving. And when I finally take, its too late. A culture of unrequited giving is established.

I give you my world and you keep taking. When you stopped to ask me if i wanted to switch roles, I carelessly said no. That was the last time you asked me. Now I'm still giving. I'm almost depleted.

So what's going to happen now that I've asked you for something? You've denied me. But do you care enough to remember and maybe offer it to me in the days that follow?

We're supposed to be blessed when we give with our hearts. Will we be blessed when we give our hearts and take nothing back? OR does it mean we're supposed to give without expecting anything back? That's exactly what I've been doing and I've been getting absolutely no blessing to speak of.

I don't intend to be another generous soul. I'm a bitch. I want to be selfish and demanding. Why don't I make your life difficult for once? Make you sacrifice something for my satisfaction and to indulge my wants?


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