Sunday, March 11, 2007

Long time coming....


its been a while. Got inspired by a dear friend (read: China-Man) who blogged about your truly.

Yes, a welcome and pleasant depart from the usual ranting and ravings no? Nothing to rant or rave about. I'm as happy as can be, cept that there sooooo much work to do and so little time to do it in. I've been trying for the past 4 hours to work but .... wellll....

My dear sweet boyfriend, whom I've been bugging the entire day, has finally settled down to his work and is happily reading away. Spent the entire afternoon with him yesterday, which is great considering our very clashing schedules. Knowing there is someone so patient and so kind and so loving, always ready on the phone when i call, its a great feeling. I feel bad sometimes for not being as patient with him, but hey, if he loves me, he'll take it!

On another front, my dear friend has taken my cue and called me along for his birthday party at the end of the month. How exciting. I love love when people get older alongside me. Yep, just had my birthday. I'm closer to 30... still single.. still not married...... no ranting, no raving.... stop..stop...

Ok, so good thing, lawyers getting paid the highest. Yep, i'm supposed to be rich.. work like a dog, no time to spend money, but better than being poor and windowshopping right? that would be hell for me! hell I tell you.!

Right, lets keep it short and ease back into blogging. disparate thoughts today, but coming up, the man who's making a goddess' dreams come true and the big party at new asia bar.... stay tuned folks!


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