Thursday, August 11, 2005

A Feminist Theory.. or lack thereof

I'm a Goddess and all men are our playthings, but believe me, I'm no feminist. Not at all. What I believe, is quite simply, this
  1. Everything a man can do, a woman can do, maybe even better.
  2. But if a man is willing to do it, why put ourselves thru the trouble?

The concept is simple, inherently we're all equal. Men believe that women are inferior and need a man around. They're willing to run around and do all the "tough" jobs, so why not just let them? Why, in heaven's name, a woman would want to cry for equality and insist on being able to do EVERYTHING a man can do, I'll never understand!

What's worse, if we start on the premise that there is no equality, it logically follows that the balance is slanted in the male's favour. Women shouting for equality are asking the dominating male for concessions to the status quo, for the simple reason that we, as women, deserve it!

That in itself is a warped sense of equality. If its clear that the only route to equality is for the dominating male to make concessions and allowances for women to move up, then what equality is there really? What kind of indignation are we suffering by allowing our advances to be controlled by the whim of the dominating male? There is no true equality in such a situation.

True equality can only be achieved by a woman that works harder and pushes further, just to reach the same level as her male counterpart. It may seem unjust, but at least you can be sure that noone made concessions for you. At least you know that your advances are not at the whims or sympathy of some pseudo-superior male.

My theory isn't very refined. Comments are welcome. And lest anyone wonder, no I'm not a lesbian. I'm not a man-hater. In fact, all men are a Goddess' favourite plaything.


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